Mandibular Premolar - Access, Clean, Shape and Obturate Course
Everything you need to finish that Mandibular Premolar Endo
Your Instructor
My name is Dr. Ash Mark. I graduated dental school many years ago and subsequently completed a US Army AEGD 2yr residency focusing on advanced care in all disciplines. It was an amazing opportunity and I wanted to share my knowledge from the residency with others around the world. That's how allthingsdentistry on Youtube started.
Fastforward a decade and in my pursuit to excel in my endodontic knowledge, I found that most endodontic training was driven by what company what instructor was/is working for. I didn't like that.
Also, I wanted to take the thousands of root canal cases and translate that into a system based, predictable, repeatable process that can be adopted by general dentists around the world.
Around the world is an important statement. I want my courses to be affordable by everyone around the world.